Poétique et politique traductive décolonisante : la traduction française d’Ayi Kwei Armah
African literature, melopoiea, postcolonial, sound poetry, translation criticismAbstract
African Europhone literatures in translation raise a series of questions largely orbiting around a now central preoccupation: have the translators conceived their project in a "decolonizing" perspective? In the following paper, I propose to consider the translation of aesthetic features as the principal means of asserting the identity of postcolonial writers. My analysis is essentially based on a poetic reading of Ayi Kwei Armah's first novel, The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born, based on the author's literary heritage. Its French translation by Robert and Josette Mane, L'Age d'or n'est pas pour demain, is examined in terms of its capacity to “decolonize” the text, i.e., to reactivate not only Armah's palimpsestic poetics, but also sociolects and repetitions, since the latter are regularly identified as markers of West African writing. In so doing, I highlight both the difficulties and limitations associated with postcolonial translation criticism. The original article is in French.References
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